The Maine Cancer Blueprint

The Maine Cancer Blueprint is a comprehensive source of information for monitoring cancer statistics in Maine. Sponsored by the Maine Cancer Foundation and developed by the Human Services Research Institute,this interactive, comprehensive public dashboard is designed to:

  • increase awareness of cancer-related issues;
  • expand access to care;
  • support lifestyle changes to reduce cancer risk;
  • and provide individual and population-based measures to inform targeted interventions.

While a variety of public data sources were utilized, data from the Maine Health Data Organization (MHDO) was a primary source, including All-Payer Claims Data (APCD), Hospital Encounter Data, and data sets merged to MHDO data, namely Maine Vital Statistics (birth and death) Records and the Maine Cancer Registry.

Measures were developed at a de-identified individual-level for screenings, smoking cessation, tumor genetic testing, imaging tests prior to diagnosis, and treatment types, with breakdowns by geography and demographics (age, sex, race/ethnicity, comorbidities).

Data presented publicly in user-friendly formats can equip communities to address gaps in prevention and care. The Maine Cancer Blueprint offers a lens into the status of cancer in Maine and can answer questions that directly inform programming efforts and public health policy.

This is a multi-phased project, detailed lung cancer statistics were prioritized first, along with incidence and mortality for breast, colorectal, melanoma, and prostate cancers. Phase two is currently under development and focused on colorectal cancer.