Historical Hospital Quality Data (Chapter 270) Reports
Current Report is located here: mhdo.maine.gov/quality_data_reports.htm.
Maine Hospitals report quality metrics to the Maine Health Data Organization (MHDO)
for Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI) measures specified by
MHDO Rule Chapter 270 - Uniform Reporting System for Health Care Quality Data Sets.
The tables below are from previous years and based on this data. They display how each Maine hospital performed on each measure during a specified 12-month period. Trend charts depict the change in statewide weighted average performance for each measure over the past five years.
The hospitals are categorized by Peer Groups (as provided by the Maine Hospital Association) to allow comparison between hospitals of similar size.
(Note: Maine's four psychiatric hospitals and Togus-the VA Hospital are exempt from Chapter 270 reporting requirements.)
Data on Healthcare Associated Infection process measures for the most current 12-month
period of available data: July 2020 through June 2021
Select this link to download the Excel version of the HAI report below.
Data on Falls and Pressure Ulcers for October 2020 through September 2021, the most current 12-month period of available data
Select this link to download the Excel version of the NSI report below.
Data on Falls and Pressure Ulcers for the period covering October 2019 through September 2020
Select this link to download the Excel version of the NSI report below.
Data on Healthcare Associated Infection process measures for the period covering July 2019 through June 2020
Select this link to download the Excel version of the HAI report below.
Data on Falls, Falls with Injury, and Pressure Ulcers for the period of October 2018 through September 2019
Select this link to download the Excel version of the NSI report below.
Healthcare Associated Infection process measures for the period July 2017 through June 2018
Select this link to download the Excel version of the HAI report below.
Nursing Sensitive Indicators for the period CY2017
The table below displays performance rates for three patient outcomes found to be
associated with nurse staffing levels and nurse staffing plans. Descriptions of
each measure can be found below. All three indicators measure avoidable outcomes;
therefore, lower rates are better.
- NSPC-1: The percentage of inpatients who have a hospital-acquired Stage II or greater
pressure ulcer on one of the quarterly, oneday surveys of all patients in selected
hospital units
- NSPC-2: The number of patient falls per 1,000 patient days
- NSPC-3: The number of patient falls with injury per 1,000 patient days
Hospital Peer Groups are designated by the Maine Hospital Association (MHA), based
on bed size, revenue, critical access designation (CAH) and specialty.
- Peer Group A: Larger acute care hospitals
- Peer Group B: Medium-size acute care hospitals
- Peer Group C: Smaller acute care hospitals
- Peer Group D: Critical Access Hospitals (CAH) with up to 25 beds
- Peer Group F: Rehabilitation hospitals
You may download the Excel version of the CY2017
NSI report.
Nursing Sensitive Indicators for the period July 2015 to June 2016
The table below displays performance rates for three patient outcomes found to be
associated with nurse staffing levels and nurse staffing plans. Descriptions of
each measure can be found below. All three indicators measure avoidable outcomes;
therefore, lower rates are better.
- NSPC-1: The percentage of inpatients who have a hospital-acquired Stage II or greater
pressure ulcer on one of the quarterly, oneday surveys of all patients in selected
hospital units
- NSPC-2: The number of patient falls per 1,000 patient days
- NSPC-3: The number of patient falls with injury per 1,000 patient days
You may download the Excel version of the NSI
report covering July 2015 - June 2016.
Healthcare Associated Infection process measures for the period July 2015 to
June 2016
The table below displays rates of hospital documented compliance with three sets
of best practices for preventing Healthcare Acquired Infections (HAIs). The description
of each measure are below. For all three measures, higher scores are better.
All performance rates at 95% or better are highlighted in blue.
- HAI-3: Documented compliance with all five evidence-based interventions for patients
with intravascular central catheters (central line bundle compliance) in intensive
care units
- HAI-4: Documented compliance with the four insertion related, evidence-based interventions
for patients with intravascular central catheters (central line bundle compliance)
placed perioperatively in pre-operative areas, operating rooms, and recovery areas
- HAI-5: Percent documented compliance with all five evidence-based interventions
for patients with mechanical ventilation in intensive care units;
You may download the Excel
version of the HAI process measures report.
The table below displays hospital infection or LabID event rates for four outcomes
measures described below. For all four measures, lower rates are better.
- HAI-1: The number of central line catheter associated blood stream infections per
1,000 central line days in intensive care units, medical units, surgical units,
and medical/surgical units (hospitals having no units in any of those categories
report data from their mixed acuity units instead);
- HAI-2: The number of catheter related blood stream infections among neonatal intensive
care unit patients per 1,000 central line catheter or umbilical days;
- MRSA: Hospital-onset Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus LabID events
- C.diff.: Hospital-onset Clostridium difficile LabID events
You may download the Excel version
of the HAI-1, HAI-2, MRSA and C.diff. report below.